Complete Streets

February 16, 2021

In January 2021, the Village adopted a resolution to incorporate Complete Streets into its Comprehensive Plan and develop policies and practices consistent with the Complete Street principles. So what are complete streets?

Complete Streets are designed and operated to prioritize safety, comfort, and access for all people that use the street - not just vehicles. That means that future transportation plans in the Village will focus on creating streets that are better and safer for all people whether walking, biking, riding transit, using assistive mobility devices, or driving. It means that it will be easier for you to cross the street, bike to work, and go for a run or walk. And having safer streets may help you worry less about the safety of your kids when they’re outside.

There is no “one size fits all” model for Complete Streets. Community context is important. Complete streets may include bike lanes, dedicated bus lanes, safe crossings, curb extensions, or sidewalks. What Complete Streets look like in the Village is still uncertain. So make sure that you get engaged in future discussions to help make our Village an even more livable community.